Faith Community Church Calendar Request Form

Complete this form to request a spot on our calendar. Your group/event is not considered scheduled until you have received a confirmation from the church office. **For special events requiring payment, your date is not reserved until deposit has been received.**

Faith Community Church reserves the right to change your event location based on the needs of the church. If this happens, we will provide you with the best available alternative.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
*** This section is for office use only. ***

__ Confirmed Calendar Availability
Request Approved by: _________________________ Date: _______
Add to (circle all appropriate): Book-A-Room / Web Calendar / CTW
Need following form(s) sent: _____________________ Date Sent: ____
Event Fee: ___ Yes ___ No
Notify the following (circle all appropriate): ELC / Cleaning Company
__ Confirmed with Requester


Complete this form to request a spot on our calendar. Your group/event is not considered scheduled until you have received a confirmation from the church office. **For special events requiring payment, your date is not reserved until deposit has been received.**

Faith Community Church reserves the right to change your event location based on the needs of the church. If this happens, we will provide you with the best available alternative.